Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why We Need Each Other

Ideally an epiphany occurs to me before I start a blog post, but sometimes nothing matters but the conviction that something must be said about a particular topic.  And that topic tonight is us: you and me and everyone we know and everyone we don't know.  We're funny creatures, we humans.  We make to-do lists and bucket lists and they never look the same.  We buy each other gifts in December and return them in January.  We work jobs that we don't like or that stress us out to pay for houses we don't have time to enjoy due to said jobs.  I'm not criticizing us; most of us are doing the best we can.  I'm also not suggesting that we all go sky-diving, skip Christmas and quit our jobs.  I'm just trying to convince myself, and maybe help you consider, that we are all we've got, and that we'd better make the best of us while we can. 

Yesterday I was an idealist and today I am not.  Today I am certain that we are all destined for heartbreak and trial and that the only way we can make it through either is with each other.  All my life I have tried to establish my own identity, to distinguish myself in some way, and I have resented the lack of "dare to be great" moments in my life.  I have been waiting impatiently for an obstacle to overcome while those I love most could have used my support in surmounting theirs.  Even worse, I have tried to create and overcome fictional obstacles to give myself a sense of contol and purpose.  It is this kind of thinking which isolates us and prevents us from living more meaningful, love-filled lives.  Anything could happen to any of us at any moment, but that moment is not what we should live for or fear.  We should live for each other and fear the loneliness of living for oneself alone rather than the uncertainty of living without a clear purpose or identity.

Please tell the people you love that you love them, and please try to love more people, including yourself.  When the time comes for you to face your obstacles, you will be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. This post is exactly what I needed today. As well as further proof of how much I need YOU in my life. I love you to the moon and back, and then one more time.
